Images in Firefox appear too saturated when viewed in LUTs Previewer
When loading images in LUTs Previewer on wide gamut monitors (for example Macbook Pro’s P3 display) you might notice that images appear too saturated. Firefox
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When loading images in LUTs Previewer on wide gamut monitors (for example Macbook Pro’s P3 display) you might notice that images appear too saturated. Firefox
Introduction LUTs Previewer is an app running in your browser. As such, there are some minimum requirements. This documents details these requirements as well
Introduction The Browser Console contains important information on errors. It is very important to check for errors in browser’s Console before reporting a bug and
Introduction While usually LUTs Previewer requires zero configuration to run in your browser, sometimes there may be a few things you would want to
Introduction Bug reports are at the heart of every beta testing program. This document introduces the basic guidelines to proper bug reporting. Please take a
Introduction You can easily control LUTs Previewer with following shortcuts for improved functionality and sped up workflow. Main app window shortcuts While in the creates 3D LUT packs built from the ground-up for Colour Managed workflows so you can deliver better visuals, faster.
Create an always free Lite account and download free scene referred LUTs.