Bundled with the legacy professional 3d LUTs package
The easiest way to preview and create LUTs
The easiest and fastest way to preview and create LUTs is here. Cut through the clutter, increase your productivity and speed-up your turnaround. Included with the legacy Professional package subscription.

Perfect Color. Instantly.
Selecting the perfect LUT for the color grade has never been easier. No more guessing, no more tedious selections or drop-down menus. Lutify.me LUTs Previewer allows you to select the perfect LUT every time. Instantly.
Create LUTs and use them in your software
LUTs Previewer allows you to mix and match different LUTs to create a completely new creative look while offering a real-time GPU accelerated preview. Export your newly created look in industry standard .cube format. It's like endless pool of inspiration.
Workflow. Reinvented.
Lutify.me LUTs Previewer packs powerful features designed to help you get a better and faster color grades.
It’s so quick and powerful it almost feels like magic.
Create LUTs
Combine, mix and match different LUTs to create a whole new look for your best images. Export the newly created look in standard .cube format.
Real time preview
Every LUT, every change is GPU accelerated and reflected in real time on full-sized high resolution images. Immediately see any and all changes.
Selections and Compares
Easily add LUTs to selections and compares. See them side by side and decide which one works the best.
Quick export
Quickly export all your looks and share them with your team. Get feedback and decide on best look.
Import 3rd party LUTs
Have a library of LUTs from different sources? Great! More options for you. Easily import them into the Previewer in seconds.
Cloud based
Integrate with your favourite cloud provider and load your images from Dropbox or Google Drive for true always-online workflow.
Works even with Raw files
Still photographers we’ve got your back. Use Previewer in your workflow and enjoy even quicker turnaround.
Lutify.me LUTs Previewer supports your favourite Raw files. CR2, NEF, ARW, DNG, RW2, you name it. Just drag and drop your image and select the best LUT for your grade.
3rd party LUTs. Welcome.
Lutify.me LUTs Previewer allows you to import your favourite 3rd party LUTs for a truly complete color grading experience. Easily import an unlimited number of 3rd party 3D LUTs and enjoy the ease and speed of the LUTs Previewer.
Experience the future
Lutify.me LUTs Previewer is included with legacy Lutify.me Professional subscription.