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A list of shortcuts available in LUTs Previewer


You can easily control Lutify.me LUTs Previewer with following shortcuts for improved functionality and sped up workflow.

Main app window shortcuts

While in the main app window use the following shortcuts to speed up your workflow:

  1. A – Add image to selection
  2. S – View My Selection window
  3. E – Export current image and save it locally as .png file. File is saved with a name that reflects the state of applied LUTs and controls.
  4. Shift + Letter – Jump to log conversion LUT starting with the selected letter. For example, Shift + R would jump to the first LUT beginning with the letter R – REDcolor – REDLogFilm to Rec709. Works only while Log Conversion block is selected.
  5. SCROLL WHEEL – Zoom into image
  6. CLICK + DRAG – Pan
  7. ARROW UP/DOWN – Scroll through LUTs

My Selection and Compares shortcuts

While in My Selection or Compares windows use the following shortcuts to speed up your workflow:

  1. C – Toggle Compares mode
  2. E – Export all Compares and save locally in .zip format. Files are saved with names that reflect the state of applied LUTs and controls.

Still need help?

Got any questions or need help with something? Feel free to write to us, our support team will be happy to assist you.

Our working times are from Monday – Friday, 09:00 – 19:00 GMT/UTC + 02:00.